Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2016

Frohes Neues Jahr!

"Es kann also nur gut werden. Nicht perfekt, aber
gut. Auf diese bekloppte Art." (Torsten Sträter)
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Songtext: "Please, Don't Try To Hide Your Belly"

Now im this fat :)
You're bigger than before
Your clothes turned tight
But you look so good
With your pounds in sight
You look so good with all that jelly
Please, don't try to hide your belly
You always like to eat
But that's allright
The pounds come on you
By your appettites
Muffin chilling in the back
You look so good with all that jelly
Please, don't try to hide your belly

You are always hungry
And always stuffed
And always hungry
Food's your biggest love
If your fringe gets sweaty from trying on pants you’re probably a fatass
You look so good with all that jelly
Please, don't try to hide your belly
“Filmed tonight 💋💋#bbw #ssbbw #belly #fat #fatgirl #gordita #plumper #fatbabe
Please, don't try to hide your belly
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