Dienstag, 6. Juni 2017

Classic Country Lyrics: "Wabash Cannon Ball" von der Original Carter Family

Bildergebnis für wabash cannonball
The Wabash Cannonball ist ein amerikanischer 
Folk-Song über einen fiktiven Eisenbahnzug in den 
Vereinigten Staaten. Er entstand wahrscheinlich Ende 
des 19. Jahrhunderts. Der Song wurde erstmals 1929 
durch die Carter Family aufgenommen, und 1936 
auch von Roy Acuff interpretiert. Die Wabash Rail-
road benannte später ihren Schnellzug zwischen 
Detroit und St. Louis Wabash Cannonball.
(Quelle: Wikipedia)

From the great Atlantic ocean to the wide Pacific 
From the green New Hampshire mountains to the 
southland's cajun lore
She's mighty tall and handsome
And loved by one and all
She's the combination
Called the Wabash Cannonball

Oh listen to the jingle
The rumble and the roar
As she glides along the woodlands
Through the hills and by the shore
Hear the mighty rush of her engine
Hear that lonesome hobo's call
We're travelling through the jungles
On the Wabash Cannonball

Your eastern states are dandies
So the people always say
From New York to St. Louis
And Chicago by the way
Through the hills of Minnesota
Where the rippling waters fall
No changes can be taken
On the Wabash Cannonball


Here's to Daddy Klaxton
May his name forever stand
And alwyas be remembered
Through the courts of Alabam'
His earthly race is over
The curtains 'round him fall
We'll carry him on to Glory
On the Wabash Cannonball


She pulled in to the station one cold December 
As she rolled up to the platform you could hear 
all the people say
There's a gal from Tennessee; she's long and 
she's tall 
She came down from Birmingham 
on the Wabash Cannonball


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