Montag, 14. August 2017

Classic Country Lyrics: "Cheatin' Heart Attack" von Dale Watson

Bildergebnis für dale watson
Vor allem in den 50ties waren "Drinkin' & Chea-
tin'", also Saufen und Betrügen, klassische The-
men in den Countrysongs. In den 1990ern hatten
solche Songs keine Chance mehr auf Radio-Air-
play, die Produzenten wollten politisch korrekte
Songs. Doch wie so oft trat mindestens einer die-
ser Entwicklung entgegen, z.B. der Texander
Dale Watson, der seine Musik ganz in die Tra-
dition seiner Idole aus den 50ern, 60ern und
70ern stellt, ob diese nun Hank Williams, Johnny
Cash, George Jones, Merle Haggard oder Johnny
Paycheck heissen. "Cheatin' Heart Attack" ist
ein typischer Dale Watson-Song.

I've got this sensitive condition
It's aggrivated by, bars and neon lights
And bedroom eyes all painted up
Fast ladies and slow songs
I feel a cheatin' heart attack, comin' on

I feel, a cheatin' heart attack, comin' on
I think it's best I get myself on home
Cuz if I stay for one more drink
I won't leave here alone
I feel a, cheatin' heart attack comin' on

I had a real close call with a sweet young thing
She hit me hard took me right off guard
Handed me a drink
I heard the golden band on my hand
Ring against the glass and that
Cheatin' heart attack was gone at last

I felt, a cheatin' heart attack comin' on
And I think it's best I get myself on home
Cuz if I stay for one more drink
I won't leave hear alone
I can feel a, cheatin' heart attack comin' on

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