Dienstag, 1. März 2016

Songtext: "Diet Industry Dropout"


You heard. ;) And you can get your own #dietindustrydropout shirt over at @chubbycartwheels www.chubbycartwheels.com! 🎀 #curvesreign #chubbycartwheels #plussize #plussizefashion #plussizemodel #psfashion #psmodel #fatshion #fatfashion #fatbabe #bbw #sizepositive #bodypos #bodypositive #effyourbodystandars #effyourbeautystandards
She eats whatever she wants to
And as much as she can
She loves her chocolates better
Then she could love a man

         She's a diet industry dropout
         She loves her curves and her fat
         She gets curvier and fatter
         And she doesn't think that it's bad

Her breasts, they grow with her belly
She needs no silicone
She calls herself a plump princess
And her kitchen her throne

         She's a diet industry dropout
         She loves her curves and her fat
         She gets curvier and fatter
         And she doesn't think that it's bad

Her ass is bigger than Kim's ass
Her thighs are juicy ones
Day by day, she gets juicier
Eating brings her some fun

         She's a diet industry dropout
         She loves her curves and her fat
         She gets curvier and fatter
         And she doesn't think that it's bad

         She's a diet industry dropout
         She loves her curves and her fat
         She gets curvier and fatter
         And she doesn't think that it's bad

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