Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2015

Unbekannte Schönheiten


A quart of ice cream every night before bed does wonders to your body


Making herself even hotter


Just amazing. 💋 💋 

Such beautyfat-is-the-truth:





Having really big tits means that you’re going to go through life never really knowing if you should be confident in yourself or not.  Maybe people like you, or maybe they just like your tits.  Maybe guys are interested in you, or maybe they’re just interested in your tits.  Maybe you’re smart, or maybe people just take it easy on you because of your tits.  Chances are, it’s the tits. 
If you have big tits, then people probably like them more than they like you.  You are far, far more attractive with them than you’d ever be without them.  You don’t know what it’s like to live in the real world because everyone will go out of their way to make things easier for you, just so you and your big tits stick around. 
You are your tits.  They’re who you are, they’re part of your personality.  You’re just the girl with big tits, and you always will be. 

Big tits. Fun life. No worries.

This was rilly hawt @dasflutemk2 😳

I like this

Something about this appeals to me

Fuck idk y but this is rly hot

Please excuse me while I continue to blog and indulge myself in ice cream

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