Montag, 2. Oktober 2017

Classic Country Lyrics: "Guitar Man" von Jerry Reed

Bildergebnis für jerry reed
Jerry Reed (eigentlich Jerry Reed Hubbard)
war ein Multiltalent: Songschreiber, Schau-
spieler (z.B. an der Seite von Burt Reynolds
in "Ein ausgekochtes Schlitzohr"), vor allem
aber war er ein grandioser Gitarrist. Wenn der
Songtitel "Guitar Man"- ein Song, den Reed
selber schrieb- auf irgend jemanden zutraf,
dann auf ihn. Elvis Presley coverte den Song
und kein Anderer als Jerry Reed selber spielte
die Gitarre auf der Studioaufnahme.

Well I quit my job down at the carwash 
I left my mama a goodbye note
By sundown I'd left Kingston 
With my guitar under my coat
I hitchhiked all the way down to Memphis 
Got a room at the YMCA
For the next three weeks I went a hountin' 
hem night clubs
Lookin' for a place to play
Well I thought my pickin' would set 'em on fire
But nobody wanted to hire a guitar man

Well I nearly bout starved to death down in Memphis 
I run out of money and luck
So I bummed me a ride down to Macon Georgia 
On a overloaded poultry truck
I thumbed on down to Panama City 
Started checkin' out some of them all night bars
Hopin' I can make myself a dollar 
Makin' music on my guitar
Got the same old story at them all night piers
There ain't no room around here for a guitar man 
We don't need a guitar man son

So I slept in the hobo jungles 
I bummed a thousand miles of track
Till I found myself in Mobile Alabama 
In a club they call Big Jack's
A little four piece band was jammin' 
So I took my guitar and I sat in
I showed 'em what a band would sound like
With a swingin' little guitar man 
Show 'em son

(Guitar solo)

So if you ever take a trip down to the ocean 
Find yourself down round Mobile
Well make it on out to the club called Jack's 
If you got a little time to kill
Just follow that crowd of people 
You'll wind up out on his dance floor
Diggin' the finest little five piece group 
Up and down the Gulf of Mexico
And guess who's leadin' that five piece band
Why wouldn't you know it's that swingin' little 
guitar man 

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